
Thursday, February 10, 2011


We really have the best pals. The kind of pals that gift us fresh local farm food for a year. The kind that know cooking and eating together is the bestest of the best and that it can even mend the sores from last night's hatefest (unc v. duke).

Our box this week (from the growing experience) includes: 9 assorted radishes, 2 avocados, bunches of parsley, swiss chard and collards, a couple lemons, six guavas, a heavy bag of gorgeous salad mix, dried sweet bay leaves (what do i do with this? we get this, like, every week, and i don't make that much soup!), and three handfuls of tart and sweet rumbly tumbly kumquats. We ate them before we could unpack everything, skin and all.

farmbox 2/10

farmbox 2/10


  1. I appear to be very late so you may not be getting all these delicious greens anymore, but have I told you about Heather's delicious Greek recipe called Horta?

  2. no, what is this horta?? i'm intrigued. it's also very fun to say horta. horta. horta.


© timheartjane 2011 Photos taken by me, unless otherwise stated.